Saturday, April 1, 2023

Spring Break Day 6 - A final round of golf and an adventure

 Friday morning we cleaned up the house and got ready to go home. We want mini-golfing with the Naths and then hit the road. The traffic all week was pretty intense, but when we left we were in for an intense trip! In the first three hours we only managed 116 miles. That set the tone. We had left at 11:30 but after taking a detour to avoid another huge traffic back up, it was 10:00 and we were still not even to Atlanta! Mandy was on the phone for about two hours and only found one hotel, which turned out to be a total dump. So we just started driving. We ended up pulling in to our house at 11:15 the folowwing morning, after spending almost a complete 24 hour period in the van!

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