Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy 21st Jules!

We spent last night celebrating Julie's 21st Birthday. Mandy, Emma and I met Julie and the family at her apartment for pizza and cheesecake and then went to BW3's in Ann Arbor for her to meet up with some friends. Can't believe Jules is 21! Anyway, it was a brief yet enjoyable evening, except for the fact it was -10 on the temperature gauge and how fat my face looks next to Julie! What are you gonna do.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merry Christmas - A little late

Merry Christmas everyone! It has been so crazy lately I haven't updated this thing in a while. This year I started taking a little more video so I didn't take that many pictures at Christmas, something very unusual for me! But also we are trying to emphasize the real meaning of the holiday so we are putting less of a focus on the gift giving. Which is very hard! Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season, God bless your new year.