Sunday, July 3, 2011

Julie's Wedding

Unfortunately I took less photos at this wedding than any in my life!  I'll get to that in a minute.  The day started with our friend Heather and her cousin Shelly helping the girls with their hair.  They were such a huge help.  Then we set off to Jackson and I drove the 1925 Dodge from the Hoffman's to the church.  It was already extremely hot out.  Izzy was exhausted so for most of the wedding I was in the back with her crying then sleeping on me.  I heard the ceremony was lovely. 
Afterwards Mandy went for photos while we had the kids.  On the way to the reception outdoor thermometers had the temp between 97 and 101.  Felt like it.
At the reception my job was pretty much watching the kids, which meant following Izzy everywhere while holding a crying Abbey due to a formula malfunction which meant she was very hungry because we couldn't find it!  So no photos.  It was great to see Julie and Joe get married, and the reception was very nice.  It would have been nice if they turned the thermostat down a bit, but a great none the less.  Congrats Joe and Julie.

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