Sunday, July 31, 2022

Mason Tractor Show Day 3

 The last day has come and gone for the 2022 show. We had a great time. Lots of tractor time, both steam and gas. Lots of friends and family got rides on all tractors, and we just had awesome weather. 

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Mason Tractor Show Day 2

 This morning started early as I had to have Alex to a soccer fundraiser by 7:15. The day really got rolling with Emma operating the crane delivering large timber to the sawmill. I love watching her do that as she is operating that huge crane to pick up those heavy logs and moving them. It is very hard to do smoothly but she makes it look easy! My dad and brother put the Universal through its paces on the power eater, we did the parade with Liv pulling people on the wagon, Logan driving Mandy's tractor and me joining them on mine. Tim also tried the block race with the Case and put forth a valiant effort.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Mason Tractor Show Day 1

 Day One of the tractor show was a success! The restored Universal and new Case ran very well, and Olivia had several friends come out and enjoy the show. Two of her Mason Bowlers even got to drive tractors and have fun on those. It was a fun day, looking forward to more of the same tomorrow!