Sunday, July 28, 2024

Day 3 Tractor Show

 It got hot and everyone started clearing out early! Kids got some more steam engine time and Izzy and Abby both got to drive the Wellers Oliver. Liv helped the Rowes with a purchase from the flea market. No one got hurt, nothing broke, and I think we all had fun. It was a good show!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Day 2 tractor show

 Day 2 of the show went well. Emma once again did an awesome job operating the crane, Liv spent some time on her tractor and helping with the steam engines and driving those as well. Weather has been great and one more day left!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Day 1 Tractor Show

 So far it has been a good show! Avery stayed the night Thursday and Logan hung out with us for the afternoon. On to the weekend!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mason wraps up summer league

 Summer season wrapped up tonight. Didn't quite have enough for DeWitt, as we lost 1-2. But on to the fall season!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Liv gets the tractor show campsite ready

 Liv mowed the campsite this afternoon for the show next weekend. Once again she did a good job!

Visiting an old friend

 Got to meet up with an old friend last night. Ryan Trune, who I grew up with, and our friend Ed Cook, met up in East Lansing for dinner. It was great seeing him, as the last time I did I went to Phoenix for his 40th birthday. And that was 7 years ago.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Dogs fall to Okemos

 Bulldogs played hard but couldn't get the ball into the net. They fell 0-1 to Okemos.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

More Depot and Riverwalk

 Photos of us at the Central and on the Riverwalk on a beautiful Detroit evening