Thursday, December 29, 2022

Trans Siberian & Detroit fun

 Tonight Mandy and Emma had their TSO concert in Detroit. This afternoon I got to thinking maybe I would drive them there and drop them off so they wouldn't have to worry about parking. I suggested it to the girls and they were game to go and maybe ice skate in downtown Detroit like we did several years ago. Yeah. We got down there and it was absolutely packed, probably due to the FIFTY DEGREE temperatures! We walked around a bit, went through The Belt, tried to find somewhere to eat, walking some more, and then giving up and heading to Dearborn for Ford's Garage. Wasn't the evening I had planned but we all still had a good time together.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Honda's turn for 200k

 Well, we now have two vehicles with over 200,000 miles. Within a week, no less! 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Now that's a drift!

 We ended up getting quite a bit of snow. Here is a snow drift right down the road from us. Taller than the van!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Another Christmas is in the books. We had a VERY white Christmas, pretty much has been snowing for the past three days. The kids got us an awesome present, they got Jackie to do photos of them and blew one up and framed it. We were blown away. With Garretts help I made Olivia a cool bowling shelf, and the kids got an assortment of gifts. It was a good day. Very thankful for our family.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

 Tonight was Christmas at the Hoffman's. We braved frigid temps and bad driving conditions to be in Jackson. It was a crazy, chaotic gift exchange but we had a great dinner and a good time.

200,000 mile club for Horace

 On our way to Jackson tonight to celebrate Christmas with the Hoffman's Horace hit the 200,000 mile mark. It was slow going, as the roads were covered with ice. Too cold for salt, we drove part of the way on sheer ice. Not fun!

Another cookie night

 Abby, Izzy and Olivia kicked out some serious holiday treats last night. Olivia took her turn at making my all-time favorite Chocolate cookies, which turned out great. Abby and Izzy did chocolate covered pretzels and Izzy also helped make chocolate/caramel cookies. Mandy was in the kitchen with them, and even dumped a bucket of flour on the floor for added fun!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Wixom Showcase

 We left the house at 7:30AM Saturday morning and got home about 9:00PM Sunday night for a full weekend of Alex playing 4 soccer games with his Cap City team in Wixom for a college showcase and then a league game. They won their first game 3-0, their second 8-0, and then had a 1-1 and 2-2 draw.